Sorry, it is greater dis-service to let this go.
This MUST work, in sum fashion, per UNIVERSAL law; that miniscule Earth simply inherits.
This is change from the perspective dimension to it's non(e).
This works the same with dimension of full light and it's non(e), just the same as sound/vibration, electro-magnetics, distances, speeds, forces, wifi fade etc. in the range of their fullness and non(e)-ness; to the gradients between the full and it's non(e) opposing dimensions viewed. Literally and Literature-ly the full yin-yang story to the sum of the whole; not just more blindly 1 aspect.
0deflection is fully aligned is cos=1 and 90deflection it's non(e) of 0 as a range of change from full to non(e).
>>as is not in the original dimension now at all for pure line example to start from
The graph paper faithfully shows this, just as everything else does; it is the universal law.
>>the even increments of the drafting table graph, then reveal the contrasting non-incremental changes of cos/sine
But if the problem is how much force, distance, speed etc.; that is what value pair cos:sine measures, directly
>>pathing thru graph paper of statically fixed cosine etc., finds offset to the target, then calcs answer from there.
>>but we can read the cosine organically in the event, as is, and save 1st layer of math, going directly to subject after leaving graph paper tool/crutch/entranceway behind.
Cosine as benchmark and sine as opposing dimension influence, whether cosine is 1D benchmark and sine drift shows the next D; or cosine as 2D as benchmark and sine drift to next dimension/void of present one of final D; is all the same maths. All these things, 1 single universal law of consistent examples.
Universal law of change is not a simple , linear, evenly incremented scale of change; it is a bell curve of change that is ALWAYS the same. Cosine chart shows snapshot values of this bell curve, sine the non perspective dimension, as a value pair of influences to the event/position etc.
0and90 are extreme, purebred parents here of the aspect dimension and it's non(e).
>>points between are as hybrid children inheriting so much from aligned perspective dimension and it's non(e) dimension
>>as compliments to each other for the summed product of the total story.
cos:sine value pair gives percentages of the potential inherited from the purebred/extreme parental dimensions
>>to scale, per the value pair handed down of cos:sine.
>>the bell curve/cos and sine charts are ALWAYS and ALL WAYS the same
>>the bell curve is as if written on spandex and just stretched between the full perspective and it's non(e) as extreme KNOWN parental limiting points on graph
>>then the bell curve translated into cos:sine value pair gives FULL REVEAL of ALL inherited influences to gradient points between form the dimensions of the perspective and it's non(e)
True in any gradient mixes, just as if were light gradients between full and non(e).
>>as same as movements of galaxies as their atoms.
We are so infused with this all around, we don't know it/cosine ; can't differentiate as is what is, just like fresh mold spore in petri dish should know what agar tastes like; but has no clue, for there is nothing without it in it's world.
Thus the Ancients had to look out to the universal heavens, to see back into this concept that was here all the time.
This pattern is in all, so if missing in virtual reality innately looks false as just observing, does not feel 'immersed' in the fight/race/tennis match etc. It is that deeply infused, so much we don't know it, it is just what is.
Distance is a more tangible, visual way to see this, but is not an end;
rather doorway to visualize that pattern of change in all of light, sound, power etc. etc. changes in dimensions from full to non(e).
Our round rope is no exception; in fact purer showing of this;
for it is minimal in the sense of 3dimensions only 'resists against'(key factor) on 1, the aligned dimension.
And then only in the tension direction of that dimension; very minimal vs consideration of a 3D rigid's considerations.
The roundedness cross-axis profile ; makes the lessons more 'pure' in cleaner simplicity of less variances
>>in that would have equal deformities regardless of bent direction from pure inline for consistent numbers
>>where cross-axis linear profile of flat rope/all extremes not equidistant; so different rates of degrading deformity when distorted from pure inline.
Math is the language of logical functions hear; it's statements are of very real gravity.
The universal pattern of change is in all things; so can know more of all, by understanding 1 thing or set very, very well.
For me, that started with iron crosses in gymnastics competition
>>where arms go from inline dimension to crossing dimension of support
>>forces larger lats angle when keep with it, as shoulder at 90 is in it's Zer0 Zone of support as anything else
There was a clock across they gym, as i went crosseyed in strain, thus 1 clock for each shoulder angle is how i found clock connection and to self defined that when Ancients showed clock, circle, 4 seasons, calendar in one icon, where not teaching so much separate things but idea of cycle thru the crossing dimension from inline and back; concept just applied to the clock, circle, seasons, calendar. i had felt cos/sine as arms failed over and over; many times swore after falling would look up and see arm ripped out and still hanging from ring overhead like Danny Trejo's Johnny 23 in Con Air(long before came out).
Working with lengths, weights, ropes, rigging expanded this. But actual climbing and all positions put me back into the 'feel' of these changes like in the gym tho, as even more tangible 'feel'. Using bod as sensing device in critical positions as no other. There are different ways, to find these things all around, this was just mine; but no less real.
Amazon shows this has much more acclaim now than when so discarded when i read decades ago,
and allowed me to Squint like Clint thru some stuff hear, at intersection where East meets West :
"The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism " -Fritjof Capra