If my gym ever forbade me from removing the figure 8 that everyone leaves on the climber's side of the top rope,
I'd be using this bowline form along with the End Bound move for the tail to add a third line through the nipping loops
and to add additional security.
(or probably just tying in with an 8. It is just top rope, after all, and unlikely to load hard enough to be harder to untie than this knot.)
Lehman8 or a
tucked Quick8 would use the awaiting,
de rigueur
Fig.8 base. More mischievous could be transforming
that "8" into the BWLesque mid-flype form (with the two loops), and
simply "in-&-out"ing a collar as in
The BWL; there are other options.
Tying in with F8 tracing begun at the S.Part end will give a decent
knot similar to what has been called the
"Competition Knot" --an
Offset OH corresponding eye knot.
As for Dan's suggestion of reversing the standing [part] and [outgoing]eye leg
(I think I read all his non-picture instructions correctly),
I don't really like how the doubled line under the collar [nb : there are two :
around the S.Part & around both eye legs (and Tail, whaTHEck)[
forms the switchback around the [out]going eye leg.
It does add a third line through the primary nipping loop but the [out]going eye leg
(and the knot in general) stays incredibly loose when held by its own self in such a way.
Hmmm. It does NOT put a 3rd dia. in the nipping loop,
really; but there IS a sort of impediment to S.Part bending
before this which might add to the effect.
(And I should note that
so far Mark & I (et al.?) have only some conjecture
that a 3rd dia. will ease the curve & improve (thus!) strength,
but not data so supporting --and maybe SOME data running
contrary : that of twin-eye Fig.8 knots NOT showing any
gain in strength, though there the S.Part has FOUR diameters!
Now, keep in mind that it's not diameters per se no matter
what, but a shaping of the S.Part's bending, where likely
ideally --again, my conjecture (and maybe a "YMMV" per cordage!)--
the curve is of a
"decreasing radius" sort, ever tighter after
initial gradualness, bit-by-bit absorbing force in adjacent
So, 2 B Perspicuous :: Alan's starting form as show
but with S.Part the upper-Left part,
and Returning Eye Leg coming in the simple way
parallel to Outgoing ELeg to collar the S.Part (with
a U-fold) and back out parallel-adjacent to the eye
legs, all thus collared together.
(Edelrid Boa Gym 9.8mm)
Thanks for this important bit of context !!
How's this rope feel to you, compared with other
climbing ropes?
I have some (10.2, or .5? mm) Slim Gym, which was
a surprise to me in seeming so non-gym-like flexible!?
Previously got was some gym rope that betrayed its
intended use by obvious stiff, beefy-mantle feel.
--esp. one can find ease or difficulty in making 1dia
(even 2dia) bends with firm ropes; ha, with some of
the caving ones, just laugh out loud at almost ANY bending! :oP )
As for "The best climbing harness tie-in knot" out there? Yep.
I've tied every one I've ever seen put forth for the purpose hundreds of times.
(-: ambiguous English :: hundreds of times put forth, or tied?)
And the EBDB** failed to win your use, why?
(**I'm wanting a better name, as the name "end-bound"
really should cover a LOT of variously shaped structures;
here, we have "Tail-looped" (?!) finish. (--though Tail-Looped
and "Tail-Loaded" share the "TL" initials : TLoaded of 1010
being the novelty I found in arbor tape, and fancy!)