Would say yes must use pre-fix of HH/or other for lengthwise pull, as the 90degree turn with single grip on host, puts the pull in 1 dimension/leg of 90 and the grab on spar in another dimension/leg of 90. The arraignment may try to even slant/teardrop some on host trying to get linearity more towards the pull axis/dimension.
tinyurl.com/abok-chap21 shows that such single arc/bearing around host all pictured as right angle.
tinyurl.com/abok-chap22 immediately states that previous should be for rightangle pulls only, and any lengthwise like this would get (predominately)a HH pre-fix from singe leg pulls etc. (could go tresse-ish of opposing grips for dual leg pulls as option).
Adding the pre-fix HH gives more usable architecture for system to capitalize on, against different angles even dimension of pull. Can be still used at right angle, or the usual pull or even backwards to cross over own architecture and nip enough to pull , with more of an Awning/Midshipman's type strategy. It simply has now enough material and positioning to capitalize to support against more angles of pull than it could before.
If just choke across and pull 90 degrees to end, SPart is delivering a pull across.
HH pre-fix the force grabs 2 spread points , the linear force i think continues more in linear line to 2nd HH ring than full around the 1st HH ring SPart side. Like a crossed wire and electric force taking the shorter path to target. The 2 rings grab the 2 spar spread points and that itself as pulled makes a more linear with an actual hunk of that spar/rest follow. This pull is now on same directional axis as the load reaction, cleanly in '1 Dimension'. i've dragged logs etc. for decades like this, it is real evident w/o HH and large load off balanced to side/not telephone pole profile. Some branches when dragged w/o HH pre-fix can jump around behind truck side to side like dragging a chokered wildcat by neck. Slip that HH on the 'nose' more purrs as kitten, polite and obedient. That is just exaggeration to viewable proportions i think; of what is going on all the time, even with lesser multipliers. Internally, not as clean a mechanic, even if does pull nice some.
How i envision the rope forces linear skipping more across 1st grab ring of HH and continuing the line, as like an electric force taking a shortcut to target as presented.
A> would be the expected force path as eye relates, just following path of rope/wire.
B> would be the skipping force path as shortcut to end equal/opposite as with electric type force in conducting wire device(as like extended to physical force in 'conducting' rope device), favoring maintaining the linear path as can. :

Another form i see close or as Backhand dna is Lesson#1663 Top Nip HH, after opening the right angle chapter with the #1662 HH showing skull warning.
>>if #1663 gets in the door as a Backhand, the right angle HH isn't too far behind, untucked and pulled opposing from input/SPart have Backhand.
Also i try to make a distinction between Backhand Turn vs. w/o last turn as just Backhand, as terminating/non continuous HHs form are close to i think.
(similarly think RT w/o last turn is just a Round, and Crossed Turn/before Clove final tuck w/o last turn as just Crossed, takes a final Turn after the base mechanic to finish same direction as input SPart).
(chart link).
Sorry did not see this earlier:
With a complementary backhand hitch, the bearing/turn
of the initial one can be pulled back so to leave the S.Part
coming in nearly directly at a tangent to the pile,
and then the additional wrapping around that pile
gives friction against rotation of the knot.
(I think that this is what you're pointing to?!)
Yes, i think we say the same thing.. Like Backhand around post has SPart w/collar from either single side, that forms a sideways U, and 'guards the castle'; but as single Backhand 'guarding walls' are from only 3 sides tho, leaving the side initiates from open as if from attack. An opposing collar around SPart now 'defends' horiz axis 1x each direction w/wall against drift angles, and 2x defends each direction on vert axis against changing tide and wave angles. To me giving a more swelled/belled grommet appearance, with yes the SPart serving out proudly as star in center ring, as if from ship port out. Have seen doubled too, but thinks that smacks more towards Mr. Ashley's "second tablespoonful of castor oil"/as overly redundant.
With the one sided Backhand solution, can get more rotational effect i think, even tho w/Backhand structure the reverse is noted as a counter-torque, easier untie etc. that Cow inherits w/off host crossing compared to Clove's on host crossing. So sits even more purely balanced, and has restrictive lock displacing against forces from either horizontal direction now, feeding out of this full circle grommet/port kinda full belled construction i most remember, as it wanted to show how most bombpruf it seemed.