I hsve a hard time following knot directions.
I do not even try to folow word directions.
Many traditional (in books) directions are ill-defined
(and sometimes plain wrong, other times incomplete),
so following them isn't a sure path to understanding.
But, of course, not trying seals the deal!
Let's be optimistic, at least in simple knots.
For my indicated variation of the OP's ventures ... :
0. We'll form the eyeknot as though a tying-in to our
harness --i.e., SPart away, eye near. And the knot is
simply a common
fig.8-based knot in the SPart
finished by reeving a bight into it with the tail (as a
bowline is a loop married to a bight). There
simply isn't much to explain here, vs orienting the
fig.8 and specifying the simple reeving!
For the sake of clockface directions, consider the
SPart's "away"ness to be UP (12:00), et cetera.
1. Tie a
fig.8 knot by bring the SPart through
12:00 w/curve towards 7:30 and then turning it
anti-clockwise (on an imaginary circle) to about 4:30,
then reaching OVER itself towards 10:30 ...
and complete the now uniquely defined
fig.8(which, in unnecessary further verbal instruction,
is to turn clockwise from 10:30 to 1:30 going UNDER
the SPart, and now reaching to 6:00 and passing
OVER the 4:30-10:30 (diagonal) part and UNDER
the 8:00-4:30 arc part).
2. Form the eye and bring the tail back on the RIGHT
side to reeve into the
fig.8 base at about 5:00,
crossing OVER the arc part and UNDER the 1:30-6:00
part --and running largely parallel to the 4:30-10:30
part--, to then ...
3. Cross OVER & turn around (i.e. cross back UNDER)
the 12:00-7:30 part,
(and now exit between eyelegs, parallel to tail's leg)
4. ... back towards 5:30 passing UNDER 1:30-6:00 part
and over 7:30-4:30 arc (and now the tail's out, reeving done).
Set by pressing down on the turn around the SPart
(the 11:00-1:30 arc) and pulling on SPart, and by
tightening tail.
I've tried this in some tired old, ornery-stiff BW II low-elongation
("static") line, loaded via body weight & bouncing (175#+xx)
on a (crummy) 5:1 pulley. In this line, the SPart and its
side eye leg aren't delivering too enough force to the
collar/turn around the SPart's entry to make that turn
too tight to loosen --after which there is no further
I like line drawings, but they take a long time to make.
Well, especially if one delays beginning! I've some several
piles of ropes literally "tied up" with "new" knots awaiting
pen-on-paper recording, such that these various things to
try from the Net send me trying to find some uninvolved
cordage to play with --argh!&^$#$@
Black cord is a poor choice for seeing the edges where the cord crosses itself.
... as one is deprived of shadows for hints/help.
Sometimes it helps to use different colors in the material
--even though, yes, the illustrated knot is for a single
piece of material-- to show the end being reeved back
into the base.
Ooooo, that BLUE cord --THAT looks good!