Author Topic: Minor kvetch... and a request for instructions  (Read 906 times)

Frayed Knot Arts

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Minor kvetch... and a request for instructions
« on: December 01, 2023, 03:04:43 PM »
I should talk, not having been 'active' on the forum since...well... ..

Anyway, I see there are a grand total of TWO (Count 'em, One , ahhh..) well,  communicants for the entire year 0f 2023 (which is gonna be over P D Q) and I'm disappointed, to say the least!  Even allowig for the gradual dropping-off of the "Old Guard" (I'm gonna be there soon!) that's a pretty sad comment on fancywork knottyers, innit?



So, I USED to know how to make letters out of small line, but it's disappeared into the "Mists of Time" (I forget) leaving me destitute and desirous of re-learning the trick, ESPECIALLY the capital letter, "T" (for Tennessee) and how I would make a balanced letter "K" (for those rats at U of K'y), using (resp'y) Orange and Blue for earrings.

Anyone who can point me toward a book, sheet, on-line instructional, smoke-signal or messenger pigeon covering this will be thought of as a "Really Good Person". 

(Meaning, their reward will be in Heaven?)




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Re: Minor kvetch... and a request for instructions
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2023, 11:01:25 PM »
I should talk, not having been 'active' on the forum since...well... ..

Anyway, I see there are a grand total of TWO (Count 'em, One , ahhh..) well,  communicants for the entire year 0f 2023 (which is gonna be over P D Q) and I'm disappointed, to say the least!  Even allowig for the gradual dropping-off of the "Old Guard" (I'm gonna be there soon!) that's a pretty sad comment on fancywork knottyers, innit?

I'm going to suggest that posting problems in general has plagued the forum for the last year or so, slowing down forum participation.

For me, the requirement to muck around with file sizes makes me think a few times before posting.  If/when the new/updated forum software happens, it'd be lovely if there were a mechanism that automatically resizes uploaded images for you to reduce posting friction.

So, I USED to know how to make letters out of small line, but it's disappeared into the "Mists of Time" (I forget) leaving me destitute and desirous of re-learning the trick, ESPECIALLY the capital letter, "T" (for Tennessee) and how I would make a balanced letter "K" (for those rats at U of K'y), using (resp'y) Orange and Blue for earrings.

Anyone who can point me toward a book, sheet, on-line instructional, smoke-signal or messenger pigeon covering this will be thought of as a "Really Good Person". 

Doesn't the guild knot charts include the whole alphabet?