I wanted to say that this forum has lost some great innovators over the years.
I wish there was an alternate universe where these guys could come back!
You are all missed...
Here is a quick list (but the list is not exhaustive):
[ ] Xarax
[ ] 'Knotsaver'
[ ] Luca
[ ] Mobius
[ ] 'DDK'
Derek Smith (the 'dunny man') also seems to rarely post or comment anymore. He is a very intelligent and articulate person.
Derek has genius level knowledge and cognition, and he has a solid science background to back his theories.
He presents solid arguments - that are hard to pick apart.
To Derek: We've had some heated debates - but at the end of the day, we were simply presenting
our world view on knots. It was never personal (ad hominem).
My question is as follows:
Is there a way to incentivise these guys for making a comeback to the IGKT forum?
Or perhaps another way to look at this issue...
What were the underlying issues that turned them away?
We all are passionate about knots... and we all have our own world views.
I don't think anyone posted with malice or intent to cause disharmony.
There is much to be learned from ones perceived opponents.
I would also invite Scott to share his thoughts as to why these individuals have disappeared over time?