Author Topic: Turk's Head algorithms  (Read 102 times)


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Turk's Head algorithms
« on: January 22, 2025, 10:10:35 AM »
The question:  Is Sidney Wood's the most concise writeup for converting to algorithmic THK run lists, and/or are there open source code library(s) for generating THK run lists?

The long meandering train of thought:
Three years ago, I found some reference to 2nd ( and 3rd ( order ( THK (I assumed) on  I have recently realized that they are rosettes from Nils Kristian Rossing's How to make rope mats and rosettes .

I was distracted by the question of whether or not one could use a cylindrical mandrel tool to make these rosettes.  The fleeting thought of making a cone shaped mandrel did cross the mind, but in that case one might as well use a flat pinned printout.

Since it would be weird to make an asymmetrical braid like these, one assumes that they are not technically THKs (unless they count as unorthodox/irregular ones?).

Rossing generates layouts in a way that, at first glance, is incompatible with runlists or is it?  Could THK generators be modified to generate Rossing rosettes?  Are some of Scott Hall's circle mats, Rossing mats?  Are Hubo's hemispherical knot ( Rattan knots?


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Re: Turk's Head algorithms
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2025, 10:50:45 PM »
Three years ago, I found some reference to 2nd (
Are Hubo's hemispherical knot ( Rattan knots?

After some string-y research last night, I can answer some of my own questions in as much as Hubo's hemispherical knot I is Rossing's d5roting which is the same as the 2nd order flower hoop knot.

