Author Topic: The Strongest Knot?  (Read 16927 times)


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Re: The Strongest Knot?
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2007, 01:11:38 PM »
Aussie Braid, Aussie Plait, Braided Double.... all the same :)

Six commercially available brands of monfilament at 16-20lb published breaking strain. In lightweight monos true BS is most often less than that claimed, in heavier weight it is more. So, each line would have to be tested sufficiently to find a statistically acceptable true BS, then each knot the same.

Lots of work, still interested ?.



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Re: The Strongest Knot?
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 07:23:03 PM »
Aussie Braid, Aussie Plait, Braided Double.... all the same :)

Six commercially available brands of monfilament at 16-20lb published breaking strain. In lightweight monos true BS is most often less than that claimed, in heavier weight it is more. So, each line would have to be tested sufficiently to find a statistically acceptable true BS, then each knot the same.

Lots of work, still interested ?.


Yes indeed lots of work -- in fact much too much for one individual to contemplate -- this has to be a group task if it is to succeed, many hands make lite work.  That is why the proposed test rig has been set up to be low cost and very easy to set up, so as not to put off members from becoming testers.

So far we have a test rig and an outline protocol and a proposal for the first test cord (R20C).  It has been proposed that eventually we consider a number of cords (obviously mono included), and when they have been set, then it is probable that the protocol will need amending to reflect the characteristics of the cords involved.

My guess (and hope) is that those with a vested interest (i.e. anglers in mono) will take up the project in those particular materials so that we might even have a number of cords under test at any one moment.

So, it's lots of work -- interested ??



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Re: The Strongest Knot?
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2007, 08:19:54 PM »
Definitely. :) 


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Re: The Strongest Knot?
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2007, 04:09:52 AM »
One might want to read the Sport Fishing (I think that's the title) articles on testing
of various knots in August's (September's?) issue.  There were a great many test cases
--lots of lines, lots of repetition--, and some interesting results.  The magazine escaped me
before I got a good look at it (hesitating at the $5 initially), so I don't know more; but I
did see that the results for the same knot ranged broadly, and there was some suggestion
that knotted line could be stronger than unknotted, odd as that seems (to me this suggests
some issue with the anchoring, but I don't know the details).
I think that the recent testing done here was in conventional mono & braid, and that done
a year or so ago was in the hi-mod "gel-spun" HMPE stuff.



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Re: The Strongest Knot?
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2007, 06:48:47 AM »
I didn't find anything about knot tests at 'Sport Fishing' online, but followed a few links to Stren Super Knot Mono, a line designed to take knots, and reduce breakage at the knot.  The product blurbs talk about abrasion resistance and internal lubrication.


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Re: The Strongest Knot?
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2007, 02:26:06 PM »
I didn't find anything about knot tests at 'Sport Fishing' online, but followed a few links

Following links is dangerous, esp. for a knotty person and a fishing site--one could get hooked!

I found (newly) both a nice forum section (and noted some doubters questioning editor-in-chief
Doug Olander (aka Top Shot) about his assertions/findings of a (mere) 10-/12-turn Bimini Twist
vs. those w/say 40..06 turns) and the link to the very article cited--to wit:

& another:

(FYI, as I seem to recall having some similar problem from a different computer with
slightly different browsing--of the Bimini-in-gelspun article--, I got browser error on chasing
the 2nd embedded (bimini tests) link?!   If others find such troubles, might be worth
sending an alert to SportFishing about it.)


ps/edit-add#2:  This link is to an article in which selected fishing pros give recommendations on knot tying:
« Last Edit: October 19, 2007, 03:19:05 PM by Dan_Lehman »

