Hi Craig, If you read through some of the old posts on this site you will find many references and links, many of which address more than just the topic of the original post. It is like a treasure hunt. IGKT has some wonderful hard copy pamphlets, two that come instantly to mind are by the late Brian Field. At least I hope "Concerning Crosses" and "Breastplates" are still available. Do you have "The Ashley Book of Knots"? It is loaded with fancy work. Also "The Complete Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope Work" by Graumont and Hensel has wonderful photographs of some very complex and pleasing work. Of course if you post a question here or at KHWW you will get specific references (perhaps more than you need). Do you know that IGKT has a magazine, "Knotting Matters" and that IGKT-PAB has a newsletter, "Knot News", both of which have tutorials, articles of point and discussions of interest? KHWW has tutorials abounding for fancy work. Welcome home!