On to the topic at hand...
[Opinion] This just seems to be one of those "visual arts", that is best passed on pictorially.
I've tried a few times to verbally describe knots (
I once even discovered a method to eye-splice laid-core Kernmantle without a splicing needle and described it in detail on rec.crafts.knots - fat lot of Good that did), and it never seems to work out as well as I'd hoped.
Even the President hisself says so... Politely, of course, but I get the point!
And then, after getting the
Single Bottle Knot (bazz) photographed & posted, well, I'm convinced now.
I still like documenting them verbally, but I have seen the light, and all that rot -- the multimedia approach works.[/Opinion]
While looking for something else, I ran across
The Most Useful Rope Knots for the Average Person to Know and was fairly impressed. The main site is a little "fundamentalistic", but you don't have to go there. I had been looking for something, but I got so caught up in the place I forgot what I was looking for.
As an aside, I often find myself these days wondering about the "hereafter" ... I go into a room and ask myself "What was I here after??" Mild case of "Old-timer's Disease", I reckon!)
The "Knot Reverence" (props to Willeke) idea came up after reading a thousand references to "ABOK #xxxx" (
be careful not to use numbers, or Brian will look them up for you 
) on this site with no way for me to know what that was.
That was frustrating!!
Without my knowing it at the time, the folks over at Wikipedia were already "cutting first tracks" on that "snowfield":
Knot - Wikimedia Commons. This is a work in progress, but the structure of what I had in mind is almost there...
I guess there's some "catching up" to be done, eh?
All I wanted to add would be that the
International Guild of Knot Tyers seems to be a more authoritative ... "authority" than a single individual or a church advert or a "wiki"...
And it would help a lot of po' folks like me to have a
link to follow to (e.g.) "IGKT#xxxx", instead of the usual ABOK references. [Disclaimer] Please don't think I'm knocking Clifford Ashley!!!!!!! I know his ABOK is the shining example I intend to emulate!!![/Disclaimer] It's just easier and more "21st-Century" to have an online "reverence"...
To borrow a line from the Socialists: "Think of the children!!" :-/
Seriously. Now I just hope to stir up some interest here...