Do I see a glimmer of hope in the qualifications - 'loaded on ends in opposition to each other, with the eye cut'?
Oh, yes, to be sure. Indeed, as one ponders the depths of "What is a
one might discern distinctions of even finer difference! (E.g., Ashley certainly shows
a Crossing knot; but he hardly presents that structure as useful in belaying climbers
as a, quite dynamic, load limiter! He et al. also present the Groundline H., but hardly
as tied essentially in reverse as a (what I introduce as a sub-class)
seizing hitch--though one can sort of find it (MIS-drawn, alas) under that very name in
Although that "kick a man ..." could be taken as amical motivation to keep looking
into the knot universe for more ... .
it will be a long time before I can climb the stairs to my own front door - can anyone send me a picture
(if it's not too much trouble), so I can see how bad the damage is?
!? Is there nOne available to do fetching service of such things for you?
What of snailmail? Those who might care to send along, um, recuperation therapeutic knotty items
to you can put things into an envelope, appropriately addressed? (I do have your address via
KnotTom; and, btw, your PMing should be okay now.)